What Makes Our System Unique?
1. Everyone has a “line of sight” to a team specific performance dashboard showing how their team is performing with leads & lags relating to its: Business Deliverables, Operational Effectiveness, Financial Profitability & Customer Satisfaction.
2. Every member is constantly and automatically reminded of their contribution i.e. a mid-month ‘Performance Report’ relating to their individual accountabilities & key activities via sms & email.
3. Automatic performance related team reports are generated monthly and quarterly to keep the focus of attention on what must be delivered. A month-end ‘Achievement Report’ with the key numbers relating to all the KPI’s & performance targets is automatically generated and sent to all the team leaders and relevant company executive via sms & email.
4. In addition, under performance and performance bottlenecks are pin pointed for quick decisions and prompt corrective action. A month-end holistic ‘Performance Summary Report’ on “What’s Working Well & What’s Not Working Well” in each team relating to its business deliverables, operational processes, financial profitability & customer satisfaction is automatically produced and communicated via sms & email.
5. Continuous improvement is inculcated as part of the team’s performance culture through ‘Action Learning’. Every quarter teams measure how effective they are against 8 key performance variables of which 2 are customized for each team specifically. Each quarterly measurement thereafter is compared with the previous one by the system automatically. That will indicate the positive and negative performance movements / trends.
6. A unique Innovation process that can immediately be applied to foster innovation and innovative teamwork.
7. Additional resources of communication are available by using the system’s communication center for virtual meetings, discussions and networking. It saves time, effort and money.